Feb 04, 2023
Sometimes it happens like this: in the last safari in some regions, in the mountains, snow was visible.
Feb 04, 2023
Sometimes it happens like this: in the last safari in some regions, in the mountains, snow was visible.
Feb 03, 2023
Perge Nature Houses has been operating for over 10 years with its stone houses with fireplaces, bungalows, natural spring pool and friendly staff in the Koprulu Canyon National Park. We offer a peaceful and unique accommodation where you can enjoy nature and relaxation along with the pure mountain and forest air of the Köprülü Canyon […]
Feb 03, 2023
Kasımlar is a village in the Sütçüler district of Isparta province.The village has had the same name since 1912. The municipality status of the village, which was turned into a town on 8 June 1992 by receiving the status of municipality, ended in 2013 when its population fell below 2000 people. The village is 110 […]
Feb 02, 2023
Lake Covada National Park is located in the province of Isparta in the region of Egirdir. The area of the national park is 6551 hectares. The park is home to 153 species of waterfowl. Wild animals such as foxes, badgers, martens, wolves, mountain goats, wild boars and squirrels live in the park. 361 species of […]
Jan 28, 2023
Дюденские водопады являются частью карстовой системы. Верхний Дюденский водопад (также известный как Водопад Александра Македонского) располагается в северо-восточной части города Анталия, а Нижний Дюденский водопад (другое название Карпузкалдыран (тур.Karpuzkaldıran)) — в её восточной части. Истоком реки Дюден является серия карстовых источников, объединённых под названиями Кыркгёзлер (тур.Kırkgözler) и Пынарбашы (тур. Pınarbaşı), которые находятся в районе 28-го и 30-го километров старой дороги […]
Jan 28, 2023
Roman bridges built by the ancient Romans were the first major and permanent bridges ever built. Roman bridges were made of stone and were built using arches as the basic structure. Large amounts of concrete were used in the construction of these bridges, the Romans were the first to use concrete in bridge construction. Bugrum […]
Jan 27, 2023
Antalya is a province and the fifth most populous city in Turkey. As of the end of 2021, the population of the province is 2,619,832. It is seen as the “capital of tourism” in Turkey. Especially in summer, the number of tourists increases. The area of the city is 20,177 km2. There are 130 people […]
Jan 17, 2023
There are many underground cities in Cappadocia, and the largest of them can be visited and seen. Although we only know 36 of them, there are 150-200 underground cities underground in Cappadocia. The underground cities of Cappadocia are likened to the roots of a tree, extend underground and connect with each other, the mystery of […]
Jan 17, 2023
Salt lake – Aksaray Lake Ace is a real bird’s paradise. Tuz Gölü is one of the richest basins in Turkey, with hundreds of bird species living in small lakes and swamps around it. This region is on the migratory path of wild birds, the absence of important wetlands in the middle of the steppe, […]
Jan 17, 2023
Pinargozu Cave – Isparta This is a cave in the forests of Chaidere, 8 kilometers from the Yenisharbademli region, very strong streams of water pass through it. There are also many large waterfalls inside the cave. The 16-kilometer section of this cave was measured by many years of research until 1995, but the matter did […]